Automate macOS setup with a brewfile

Quickly install your favorite apps and packages in minutes with Homebrew.

Automate macOS setup with a brewfile

One of the best things I learned from my very first Engineering manger was how to easily setup a new mac in about 5-10 mins using Homebrew and a brewfile.

Homebrew is a package manager for macOS. It allows you to easily install software and applications from your terminal and makes setting up a new mac a breeze. Follow the steps below to automate your macOS config so you never have to remember your favorite apps again.

Step 1: install Homebrew

Open up your terminal and paste the following command:

Terminal window
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

This step will take a few mins to complete so feel free to make a sandwich while you wait 😊

Step 2: Create a new brewfile

On your machine, create a file called Brewfile and add your packages, software and applications you want to install.

If you don’t know how to create one, take a look at mine here: .

Be sure to include this command in your file:

Terminal window
$ brew tap Homebrew/bundle

If you have an older mac that’s configured the way you enjoy, install homebrew on your old machine and run the following command in your terminal:

Terminal window
$ brew bundle dump

This will generate a brewfile with all your apps, software and packages. You can then import that brewfile to your new machine.

Step 3: install your applications

cd into the location of your brewfile in your terminal and run the following command:

Terminal window
$ brew bundle

Now sit back and let homebrew work its magic. In only a few mins you’ll have all your applications, software and packages downloaded on your machine. If everything runs without error, you’re good to go 💃🏽.

Once this is complete, take it a step further and customize your terminal!

Install iterm2, zsh and oh-my-zsh to have a truly custom experience.

I like instructions in this tutorial: .

Happy coding friends!

Kedasha 😊