My First Three Weeks at Coding Bootcamp as a PT Student

A reflection on my first time at a Software Engineering bootcamp.

My First Three Weeks at Coding Bootcamp as a PT Student

This week I completed my first three weeks in a part-time Full-Stack Web Engineering and Computer Science bootcamp. As the program is 18 months long, I have quite the way to go.

I wanted to take the time to write about what the part-time program is like for anyone considering enrolling in a PT cohort. I hope my insight will give you an idea of what to expect upon enrolling.

Why I decided to attend a Coding School

Five months ago I had no idea what web development was. At the time I was searching for a more robust career trajectory and came across the world of software engineering and web development. After teaching myself HTML5/CSS3 on codecademy I decided in early January that I wanted to make this my new career path.

My intention was to use as many free resources and Udemy to further my education, build as many projects as possible and apply for a job within 9 months. It was all planned + going quite well until in late January I came across JavaScript and hit a mental roadblock. I realized that I needed a more structured learning path to assist me in my learning, and decided to apply to a bootcamp to accelerate && support my progress.

The First Three Weeks

My cohort started on March 18th and I am honestly amazed at what I’ve been able to accomplish in the past three weeks as a part time student. For the first portion of the curriculum we focus on web development fundamentals. In 3 short weeks I have solidified my knowledge in semantic html5, CSS3, responsive web design and accessibility.

During the first week I learned about Git and the command line and I must say that I am starting to get quite comfortable with using these essential web developer tools. I have created pull requests, cloned repositories, create branches in existing repos and have started to create really amazing relationships with students in my cohort. I also created my first portfolio website! How exciting!

The Next Three Weeks

In the next three weeks I will have a solid understanding of pre-processing and start learning more about fundamental Javascript concepts. I will continue to do more advanced projects and continue to build relationships with the amazing students I am learning with.

If you would like to see what I have done so far, see my Github repos here.

Until next time, thanks for reading! 🙂